Corporate Policy
Our corporate policy supports preservation of the environment and natural resources for us and future generations. Everyone is entitled to work under humane conditions and free of health hazards.

Energy and Environment
We are committed to protecting the environment through
the sustainable use of resources
the protection and preservation of soil, air, water, and health in our business activities
the prevention of production waste
and the greatest possible recycling of unavoidable production waste

We support personal responsibility among all our employees by ensuring adequate training, development, instruction, guidance, information, and communication. In the process, we impart the necessary knowledge and train special skills.

Quality and Performance
We ensure that our focus is always on increasing customer satisfaction.
We are committed to integrating requirements from quality, environmental and energy management into the business processes of the Bachner Group. Our goals are to continuously improve the quality of our services while also protecting the environment and reducing energy consumption.

As part of securing our future, we are committed to complying with all applicable legal requirements. Meeting binding obligations regarding customer focus, environmental impact, and energy use, consumption and efficiency, are a matter of course for us. We set measurable strategic goals for the purposes of quality, the environment, and energy – and we actively strive to achieve the intended results.
We provide all the necessary resources and information for achieving such strategic and operational quality, environmental and energy-related goals.

Products and Services
We communicate our key environmental requirements to external suppliers and contractors. In doing so, we actively support the acquisition of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient processes, products, and services.

We are committed to our accountability to our workforce and other interested parties by disclosing current quality, environmental and energy reports within the Bachner Group.
For over 100 years, our company and its employees have been providing high-quality work. Through our corporate policy – and especially through our sustainable business activities – we face up to our responsibility towards future generations. By doing so, we want to achieve the best for the environment and our employees.
We understand sustainable business activities as practicing our core values. These are based on three fundamental pillars: Economy, ecology, and society.

Our focus is on building and maintaining customer relationships and thereby ensuring the company develops favorably. Our demands regarding quality, environmental, and energy management are integrated into our business processes in order to continuously improve them while reducing environmental impacts and energy consumption.
We are committed to protecting the environment through the sustainable use of resources, the conservation and preservation of soil, air, and water, the prevention of waste, and the greatest possible recycling of unavoidable production waste.
We see our employees as our most valuable asset. To ensure that they remain highly qualified and strongly motivated, we provide a healthy workplace and directed advancement. We regard supporting schools and clubs as well as socially disadvantaged groups as our obligation to society.
Corporate Policies and Sustainability
Every member of Bachner Elektro GmbH & Co. KG has the obligation and responsibility to comply with our guidelines. This applies to all of our employees, senior managers, company management, and any persons who provide services to the Bachner Group.

Sustainability Report
Sustainability is very important to the Bachner Group. Numerous measures from all over the company have not only been implemented but embodied for many years. Many processes are already firmly anchored through years of certification and the integration of management systems into the company. But for us, not moving forward is equivalent to stepping backward, which is why we constantly set new goals and evaluate suitable ways to achieve them. For the first time, the combined progress achieved in the areas of economy, ecology, and society/social responsibility has now been summarized in a sustainability report.
The company's focus on the future is discussed under the heading Economy. Essentially, this involves looking at the workload of our daily activities but also monitoring market developments relevant to our service areas.
The Ecology section summarizes the examination of our sustainable focus on resource efficiency and climate conservation. Particular attention is paid to the topics of energy and environmental management. The section is rounded off with a look at the planned and implemented measures derived from analysis of these subject areas.
The third pillar of the report, Society, discusses the health of and support afforded to our employees. An overview of Bachner's social commitment is also presented here.
"The sustainability report can only be a snapshot," explains Stefan Kitschke, Management Representative at Bachner. "Tomorrow there may a crucial change that influences our planned measures. In this way, the sustainability report is as alive and vibrant as the people and our work here at Bachner."
With passion for our fellow people
We see ourselves as sponsors of those clubs and associations local to our branches, whose work directly benefits the people living there. Particularly close to our hearts is the financial support of charitable institutions, the youth work of non-profit sports clubs, and of cultural establishments.
We are also involved in various projects that support people in poorer regions of the world. Here, too, we place special focus on the young, such as by supporting educational facilities.
Donations and Sponsorships
The Bachner Group supports campaigns and organizations that serve charitable purposes. We also support local clubs by donating materials and equipment, such as promotional materials, electrical equipment for clubhouses, and vending carts. The Bachner Group also actively sponsors clubs and events.
However, for us to grant a sponsorship, the following are particularly important:
Non-profit associations from the areas of sports, art, and culture
Youth work is particularly close to our hearts
We foster collaborative partnerships with the schools in our area
Public events of an artistic or cultural nature
In the spirit of our motto "Local Expertise", it is important to us that there is a local connection

Stiftung Bachner
To honor and celebrate the company's 100-year history, Hans and Sabine Bachner established our foundation, Stiftung Bachner, in 2020. Our mission: Promoting tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding. To this end, we offer scholarships to people from a wide variety of countries of origin so that they have every opportunity in education and employment. This way, young people can start a self-determined life - no matter, where they are from.

Organized by the Lions Club Mainburg-Hallertau, we support the daily lives and education of our sponsored children in Haiti. Each branch of the Bachner Group is responsible for a sponsored child, and our employees also regularly collect donations.

The One World "Igelbau" Childcare Center
Our Igelbau company childcare center in Mainburg is also about making the world a little better. The inclusive kindergarten is for all children of all physical, mental, and social abilities. Regardless of nationality or religion – we celebrate diversity. That's why we were officially certified as a One World Childcare Center in 2020.