A steadily growing number of trainees in the Bachner Group
A steadily growing number of trainees in the Bachner Group
38 highly motivated young persons embarked on their training in the Bachner Group on September 1st. The number of trainees has now reached almost 100 – a new record!
38 young people started their training at the Bachner Group in 2023; nearly 11% more than in the previous year. The young talents are divided into six different professional training sectors and are learning their craft starting from the basics at the Mainburg, Dingolfing, Ingolstadt, Landshut, Leipzig and Oberschleissheim sites. Nearly 100 young people are pursuing training in the Bachner Group. Managing Director Thomas Üffink is delighted with this result: “Human resources development is a critical part of our corporate strategy. We’re thrilled that so many young people have decided to pursue their training with the Bachner Group; for us, that’s extremely positive feedback.”
Into the future: training at Bachner
Training at Bachner is constantly evolving. Two new professional sectors have been included this year in addition to the training courses for electronics technicians for energy and building technology, information electronics technicians, office administrators, warehouse logistics specialists and technical system planners for electrical engineering systems that are already well established in the Bachner Group. On the one hand, the Mainburg family business is now also training the sales force for marketing communications and, on the other, has added IT specialists for application development. The Bachner Group is equipping itself for the future.
Starting the first weeks of training with energy and passion
The trainees spend the first two weeks getting to know the company and its internal processes in more depth. In addition to the basics of electrical engineering, office work, etc., the new recruits also learn precisely what they can expect from their training. Nor do we neglect the team-building aspect: a trip to the Jetzendorf climbing park, a civil courage seminar and a first aid course help to boost cohesion and personal development.
Top quality training on the Bachner campus
Training at Bachner is much more than just theory: we make sure of this not least with the new training academy on the Bachner campus in Wambach, which was inaugurated in the spring. Here, the trainees are able to put into practice more thoroughly what they have learned in theory. Bachner training manager Stefan Kitschke emphasized: “We believe in young people and the next generation, in the skilled workers of tomorrow. Our new training academy offers us the opportunity to significantly expand the weeks of practical work for our trainees which will enable us to address their needs even more effectively and individually, and to thus improve our training.”
Fit for the digital transition
Trainees are an important part of the digital transition for Bachner. “Our customers come from a wide range of sectors and therefore place a wide range of demands on us. However, we have some solid foundations: the major future topics of digitalization such as e-mobility, the smart grid, Industry 4.0, AI and fast Internet can only work with powerful and efficient electrical technology,” says Hans Bachner, owner of the Bachner Group, talking of the future. “We devote a huge effort into training our young people to ensure we can continue to grow, and I’m looking forward to confronting this crucial challenge with our 38 new trainees.”