Passion for craftsmanship across generations
Father and son duo at the Bachner Group
The Bachner Group is not only a family business at owner level: Several generations of the same family are also represented among our employees. This year, Leo Schiekofer started as a trainee at the Bachner – just like his father Harald did in 1987.
Considering how long Harald has been a part of the Bachner Group it is probably unavoidable that his son Leo got into touch with the company early on. Even as a small child he was fascinated with cables and his father’s work. At school, his interest only increased because of physics lessons – and thanks to internships and vacation jobs, his enthusiasm about construction sites was finally unstoppable.
Leo was determined to become a trainee at Bachner – albeit not in Landshut where his father works but in Mainburg. He says this was important to him so he would be more independent. “I am proud that my son trains at the same company as me – and that he is doing so well”, Harald says. Doing his apprenticeship at Bachner is only spurring Leo on. “I want to learn a lot and maybe go to Landshut after a few years of working as a journeyman”, Leo says. With a wink, he remarks that perhaps he could be Harald’s successor one day.
When asked whether they also talk about work at home, the two of them have to smile. Leo says it has become a ritual for them to spend 30 minutes at home talking about the day’s events. And if he needs practical advice from his father, the two of them go to the workshop in the basement to practice. Just recently, they wired a junction box together. “I enjoy working with Leo at home. This way I don’t lose touch with the practical side of things”, Harald says.