Our trainees 2023

Our trainees 2023


Orientation weeks for our new trainees

It has been over a month since our 38 Bachner trainees started their new jobs. A lot has happened in this time: Our trainees gained many new impressions during their two weeks of orientation, in their new job or at vocational school.

„The first two weeks at Bachner is intended for our new trainees to get to know one another and to strengthen social cohesion. After all, they are going to spend the next few years together”, Bachner training manager Stefan Kitschke explains the concept of the orientation weeks. “To promote these important points, we organize these two weeks that are a balanced mix of various exciting activities.”

In theoretical lessons our trainees learn more about processes in the company, security concepts or formal aspects of their vocational training. Of course there was plenty of time for our trainees to get to know each other during introduction rounds or excursions.

The biggest adventure was surely the excursion to the Jetzendorf climbing park where our trainees climbed to lofty heights. Skill, teamwork and a pinch of courage were required on various climbing courses up to 24 meters above the forest floor. But not to worry: Our participants mastered this challenge with ease!

However, despite all the fun, theory units and of course safety measures must not be neglected. That’s why our trainees are aiming high during their introduction to lifting platforms at our Bachner Campus in Wambach! How do you put on safety belts correctly, who is allowed to operate the platform and how is it used are just some of the questions that are answered that day. The highlight for the participants is entering the lifting for the first time – and seeing the Bachner Campus from (further) up.

BARMER Landshut gave useful insights into trainee etiquette to prepare our trainees for the coming years. This way, they know what to expect in regard to good manners and conduct in business life. A first aid course covered behavior in emergency situations. On the last day of their two orientation weeks, trainees learned about civil courage from the Lower Bavaria Police Department.

On the whole, our 38 Bachner trainees can look back on two exciting weeks full of new impressions. We wish them every success and lots of fun during their training!

During an introduction, our trainees learned the basics for a safe handling of lifting platforms.
After the theory part, our trainees experience the lofty heights of the lifting platform themselves!
The lesson on trainee etiquette is all about good behavior throughout the traineeship.
Skills, dexterity and a pinch of courage are required in the climbing part Jetzendorf.
In addition to skill and courage, a lot of team spirit is needed, too!
Before heading up into the treetops, our trainees discuss the best course of action.
After their short discussion, it's time to climb.
The Flying Fox takes our trainees on a wild ride through the trees.
The focus of the first aid course is the correct behavior in an emergency situation.